What is a health coach?
A health coach is a service provider you can hire to help you realize your wellness goals. You can hire a health and wellness coach to guide you through life changes, keep you focused on weight loss or fitness goals, help boost your mental health, and more. Many health coaches work with their clients for set periods of time as the client moves toward a measurable goal. Wellness coaches come from varying backgrounds, and may have different areas of focus depending on their education and training. Research potential coaches by reading their reviews, researching their academic and personal backgrounds, and learning about any certifications they have earned from coaching institutes. Often, health and wellness coaches sell coaching packages ranging from three to six months or longer, depending on the client’s needs. The average national cost for an individual health coach session ranges from $60 to $90, although prices may range as low as $30 or up to $130 or more, depending on your location and the coach.
What is a holistic wellness coach?
When you want to reach new heights with your health and wellness, consider hiring a holistic wellness coach. Much like a health coach, a holistic wellness coach is focused on your well-being and meets with you in one-on-one sessions to help you identify and reach your targeted goals. A holistic wellness coach will typically have you take all components of your life into account when working to achieve your goals. If your goal is to lose weight, a holistic wellness coach will not only offer recommendations for your diet and exercise, but also discuss your emotional health, your work/life balance, your spiritual side, and each area of your life that affects your ability to follow a nutrition and fitness plan.
Although they are highly motivational and often can help clients achieve great results, holistic wellness coaches are not professional health care providers or registered dietitians. Different institutes and training centers provide certifications for holistic wellness coaching, so be sure to research your coach and read their reviews to understand more about their techniques and training.