Dance, Movement & Somatic Therapy
Each person's needs & abilities will be completely unique, so each session will also be completely unique. Where are you now? Where would you like to go? We will move there together.
We don't write prescriptions; we design forward movement as we go.
Whether you want to learn how to be more comfortable dancing, have specific training goals, or want to deepen your body intuition for overall health/wellness, I am in gentle service to help.
We will combine many movement modalities (dance, yoga, qigong, breathwork, meditation, somatics, neuroscience) to unlock blocked energy, release stored trauma, expand into your body, and practice experiencing your most peaceful, joyous self. And learn some moves, if you wish!
For some, movement practice is physical: It helps restore youthful movement patterns in the body's fascia & nervous system, and creates new neural pathways.
For others, movement practice is a spiritual matter, allowing deeper integration of the mind-body-spirit complex, and a better understanding of self and others.
For others still, movement practice can be just for fun, which is also a form of medicine, not to be ignored! 🥳
You choose what movement journey you desire for your body, and I will be your guide. Please reach out with any questions!
All bodies welcome. 🙏🏼✨
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