Travis Michael Cinematography
Travis Michael Cinematography

Travis Michael Cinematography

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I make stylistic videos of events, restaurants, bars, venues, and travelling around the Central New York area. My most well known series is Society Gurl which can be found on Youtube and co-published by the Syracuse New Times as well as videos for Pinup Industry magazine, also found on Youtube. Adding excitement to places and events through video with an artistic eye and always improving my craft through the practice of kaizen.

Hired 1 time

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2 employees

11 years in business

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Cash, Check, PayPal, and Venmo.

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Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Featured Projects

4 photos

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Customers rated this pro highly for professionalism, responsiveness, and punctuality.


3 reviews


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Stef I.
Jun 19, 2018
I always look forward to working with Travis. First and foremost the final products, both videos and photographs, are of the utmost quality; he always captures the best shots!! He’s professional, clearly educated on his equipment and the latest technology and he is artistic as well, with a great eye. Travis is always my top choice when it comes to who I’d want to shoot my videos and photographs!
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Matthew P.
Oct 23, 2017
Travis developed a series of promotional videos for an event for us. The turn around time was incredible and he was quickly able to grasp our vision and help us create the videos that we wanted but didn't know how to make ourselves.
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Michael John H.
Aug 19, 2018
Travis is always professional and great at framing. His videography skills are the perfect compliment to his ability to direct the shot. I’ve worked with him multiple times and it rarely takes too many takes to get the shot. I’d highly recommend his services.
Background Check

Travis Owens

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Travis Michael Cinematography
Travis Michael Cinematography
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Credential Details
Background Check

Travis Owens

Completed on 11/20/2017