- What should the customer know about your pricing (e.g., discounts, fees)?
Any type of portrait session starts at $175. This includes an over the phone consultation, a 60-90 minute photoshoot, 20+ edited images in digital form, and a print release.
- What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
When a new client comes to me with a specific type of portrait that they need (i.e. graduation, engagement, newborn, boudoir, etc) we talk about when the photoshoot will be and schedule it for about a week to a month in advance. Next, I will talk to them about wardrobe tips and how many outfit changes there will be time for, makeup/ hair (either referring to an artist they can hire or giving them tips to do it themselves), the turn around time for the completed images, and anything else specific to that type of photoshoot (for example, making sure the engagement rings are shiny and clean, the baby is well rested and fed, your graduation cap has and gown has arrived and it is ironed.)
- What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I studied film making with an emphasis in cinematography for my bachelors degree at Cal State Long Beach. From there, my interest stemmed more into running my own portrait photography business rather than working in Hollywood. My college education taught me how to visually tell a story through each image, how to work with light (which is a photographers most important tool), and how to work with a professional camera (which is the second most important tool).