Trinity Yoga and Healing
Trinity Yoga and Healing

Trinity Yoga and Healing

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Our focus is on the therapeutic aspects of a yoga practice, with the intention of helping the client work within his/her capabilities, taking into consideration illnesses or current conditions, to maximize strength, flexibility, and over sense of well-being. We believe yoga is possible for EVERY BODY, and will work with our clients to get "unstuck", literally and figuratively. We draw upon the tools and wisdom of yoga to empower the individual to develop a sense of well-being and life life optimally. I love to witness the transformation people experience when they discover the "magic" of a yoga practice. Their excitement in seeing themselves expand beyond the limitations they have been living with for years (some of them self-imposed), coupled with the discovery of a power they never knew they had--in their bodies as well as their minds--is the most satisfying part of my job. Some people love that they can now touch their toes, others are happy that they can now stand up straight (which leads to better breathing, stronger backs, and seeing the world in a different light), and others are surprised that their anger level, stress, insomnia, and general malaise have all but disappeared. A yoga practice purifies the body, and such, purifies the mind.

Hired 2 times

1 employee

19 years in business

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Exceptional 5.0

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B.Pathak P.
Oct 19, 2012
Trinity Yoga and Healing's reply
Thank you!
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Renee T.
Oct 19, 2012
Trinity Yoga and Healing's reply
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Chris L.
Oct 25, 2012
Trinity Yoga and Healing's reply
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Loraine P.
Oct 19, 2012
I had private yoga lessons with Suzanne Ludlum, who I found to be expert in her yoga and teaching skills. She is also a warm, caring person. She was also very professional with how she ran her business. I would use her again and definitely recommend her to anyone.
Trinity Yoga and Healing's reply
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Mary G.
Oct 19, 2012
Sue took the time to assess my physical health and any limitations I may have prior to instructing me in yoga. She tailored our sessions to meet my individual needs. Sue is highly skilled and a genuinely warm and caring person.I respect her for her character and her ability. I would recommend her as an exceptional instructor.
Trinity Yoga and Healing's reply
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