I am Dr. Bridget Gardner, a Certified Natural Health Coach
with 32 years of experience in natural holistic wellness.
Natural wellness combines positive lifestyle changes with science-based, proprietary supplements and education. By supporting a healthy gut microbiome, natural wellness offers a path to healthy metabolic age and function by supporting healthy body composition, weight management, and cardiovascular function. Unlike most modern programs that focus only on the results of metabolic disorders, natural wellness shifts focus to the cause: an unhealthy microbiome. The unhealthy microbiome can add years to our 'metabolic age'. Metabolic age is the age associated with how effectively your metabolism is functioning. It should be similar to your biological age or ideally, lower. Natural wellness help you lower your metabolic age therefore, offering supports to improve:
*weight management (loss or gain)
*heart and kidney health.
*blood sugar level
I enjoy empowering others with tools to transform their health.