Lovin' Life Coaching
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Maria Lesetz is a well-established health and happiness coach who specializes in Mind/Body techniques helping clients around stress management, work-life balance, weight loss, health conditions, and breaking through all those emotional obstacles that keep you from being happy now.
Using Law of Attraction techniques made famous by the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Marias life coaching goes beyond physical wellness to empower you with maximum life happiness in the present moment, putting you on the road to manifesting your greatest desires and dreams!
Maria has also completed a specialized physician life coach training program and holds the designation of a certified life coach for doctors, helping those in the medical profession avoid burnout, reconnect with what brings them joy, and ultimately improve their own overall health and well-being!
She also has a masters degree in statistics and finds humor in the irony of the contrast between her statistical expertise and her passion for helping all of her clients to defy the odds. She believes that anything is possible and brings that energy to each and every one of her clients!
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1 review
Dianne T.
Nov 23, 2011
What an excellent, positive coach! This type of coaching has worked tremendously for me - much better than previous counseling or therapy methods. Not dwelling on the past, but moving forward with a positive approach in what I desire for the future has been a key focus in Lovin' Life Coaching. I have found that since the process is by telephone it doesn't matter where I am, I have the ability to attend my sessions and have access to Maria's upbeat attitude and tone that even comes across with the unlimited email in between sessions. I encourage anyone to give it a try and see how her knowledge of how the Laws of Attraction can work for you!