ALG Painting Services, INC is a New York City painting company. We provide residential and commercial painting service. We specialize in home painting, office painting, retail painting, kitchen cabinet painting. Offering free consultations and detailed estimates
Do you need a painting quote??
We provide free, detailed quotes. We have two options to provide a painting quote.Please pick the best option for you:
1. Virtual estimate - please provide us with the length / width / height of the room, including pictures or feel free to face-time or video chat. Provide surfaces being painted, any additional details(Example: major surface damages etc)
2. In person estimate- we can schedule a date and time to meet at your project.
Appointments can be scheduled during the day, late evening and weekends.
Once you pick an option we will provide a detailed estimate. All our estimates are free of charge. You will be able to access your quote on a webpage hub, where you can approved the job, e-sign our contract, request work-scope changes etc.
We enjoy the process of creating value for customers. Our first interaction with a prospective client is listening and understanding what is valuable to them and tailoring our services accordingly.