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Photography: Shooting, editing, printing
Videos: Shooting, Editing, Commercial, Bio-Doc, Music Video, Artist Portfolio
Audio Engineering: Need sounds? Need to be recorded? Need distribution? Look no further.
Web presence: however you need to boost your traffic. We can help!
1 employee
16 years in business
Payment methods
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Projects and media
4 photos
Projects and media
4 photos
4 reviews
Jonathan R.
Jul 14, 2014
Philip Pope is an absolute pleasure to work with. What I like most about him is that he thinks outside the box. He is creative, articulate and cares about what he does. We are currently working on a project together and I am continually impressed by the quality of his work.
Lucy M.
Jul 14, 2014
Philip Pope is a very creative and talented person. His work as a writer/poet is amazing, he will stop and make you think on any given piece he will pen. I am working with him in a mini series still in production and so far it has been a great experience. His artistic expression as a photographer, will show the beauty in any given subject he chooses.
Linda Dyer H.
Jul 14, 2014
I am the Executive Director of the Charlotte St. Patrick's Day Parade. Philip was our official photographer for the 2014 Parade. He did a wonderful job. We were very pleased and look forward to working with him again.
Shelle T.
Jul 14, 2014
The level of Phillip's work is amazing. He has such an eye for beauty in everything around him. I have a piece of his work in my office I stare at everyday, each time picking out a new detail.