Lindsay DK
Lindsay DK

Lindsay DK

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My approach to intuitive communication is grounded in an ethical, client-centered experience. Drawing on experience as a reiki practitioner and ancestral healing guide, I approach every client and every session with an open mind and a thoughtful communication style. I’ve read tarot for over 5 years and also utilize automatic writing and a pendulum in my offerings if it resonates with the client.

Serves Saint Paul, MN

Background checked

1 employee

6 years in business

Business hours

Sun10:00 am - 3:00 pmMon2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Apple Pay, Cash, PayPal, Venmo, and Zelle.

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Projects and media

11 photos

Projects and media

11 photos


Customers rated this pro highly for professionalism, work quality, and responsiveness.


2 reviews


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Anna L.
Aug 28, 2024
Lindsay is thoughtful and insightful. I’ve had multiple tarot readings with her and I feel that she encourages me to ask questions, rather than simply read the cards. She takes the time to explain the significance of each card, and often refers back to earlier insights that add meaning or significance to our session. I leave our sessions with a sense of clarity and confidence that I find invaluable. Thank you, Lindsay!
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Justin D.
Aug 28, 2024
Lindsay nails her tarot readings- Every. Single. Time. I am a repeat client and I keep coming back because her insight has been unmatched. The delivery of news or information that can be highly sensitive is always delivered in a patient, considerate, but clear manner. Never afraid to dig deeper, or be vulnerable, her insight and knowledge of her craft are highly valued and appreciated. I will continue to reach out to her anytime I need guidance or clarity. Cannot recommend highly enough.
Background Check

Lindsay Dapp Kern

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Lindsay DK
Lindsay DK
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Background Check

Lindsay Dapp Kern

Completed on 8/28/2024