K's Modern Service
Hired 51 times
Background checked
3 employees
6 years in business
This pro accepts payments via Cash, Credit card, PayPal, Square cash app, Venmo, and Zelle.
Top Pros are among the highest-rated, most popular professionals on Thumbtack.
1 photo
Customers rated this pro highly for responsiveness, professionalism, and work quality.
49 reviews
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Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Details: Install new or backup sump pump • Backup sump pump powered by battery • No, the building is not currently flooded • Residential
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Details: Yes, there is an existing disposal (which needs to be replaced). • Continuous feed (most common) • Yes, the garbage disposal will be provided
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Details: Replacement; there is an existing toilet (which needs to be replaced). • 1 toilet
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Details: Replacement; there is an existing toilet (which needs to be replaced). • 2 toilets
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Details: Replacement; there is an existing toilet (which needs to be replaced). • 1 toilet
Kris Keilson