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Yoga, Reiki and Thai Bodywork with Moira
Yoga, Reiki and Thai Bodywork with Moira

Yoga, Reiki and Thai Bodywork with Moira

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Whether its a Yoga class, private yoga or meditation instruction, Thai Bodywork, a Reiki training or a one on one session the results are clear: increased flow of energy through the channels of energy equaling a more beautiful, relaxed, healthier, happier you! Personalized, precise and professional instruction for all levels and body types including those wanting to address Scoliosis and other spinal irregularities through Yoga.

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28 years in business

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3 reviews


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Ralph H.
May 27, 2016
If you practice yoga, be sure and sign up for a Thai Bodywork from Moira. This is such a unique approach to enhance your poses. I’ve done classes and workshops with Moira, but my favorite is the Thai massage. Without this experience, your practice is incomplete. Ralph from DeKalb
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Gloria F.
May 28, 2016
Moira is a wonderfully motivating instructor...one who truly cares & is patient & willing to work w/my limited physical capabilities, encouraging & helping me to "do what I can w/what I have" in the yoga sessions. I feel the transfer of her healing energy in the Reiki sessions which leave me feeling relaxed, yet rejuvenated & empowered. I look forward to continuing my weekly sessions w/Moira & highly recommend her to anyone seeking to find a health "partner" who can help them be "the best they can be."
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Kim T.
Jun 1, 2016
Moira is an extremely knowledgeable practitioner who pays special attention to her clients' specific needs whether in a yoga class or during Thai massage. She honors her clients' strengths and limitations as she structures/modifies routines and sessions. It is clear that Moira desires each experience to be a positive one.You will feel energized, strong, relaxed, and pampered after Moira's classes/sessions. In addition, Moira's studio is very clean, peaceful, and inviting.
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Moira Okeefe