Want to know how 910 Homes got started?
Hi, I'm Alex, owner of 910 Homes. When I met my husband, Kenny, he worked for an appliance company and I was in school for hospitality management. While dating, we found out that we have the same birthday, September 10th. Notice anything about that date? You will! Together we started a luxury appliance installation business. Over time, that evolved into property management for National REIT Investors. Somewhere during this evolution, we got married on September 10th. There's that date again!
Around that time, we got our first house! I designed it and Kenny did the work himself. We loved every second of it, mistakes and all. This made us realize what we really wanted to do. So we began renovating homes, which led me to acquire my real estate license. Along the way, we started 910 Homes. I think by now you know where we got our company name from!
We renovated homes entirely for many years before realizing that our niche is kitchen and bath designs. We recently rebranded and refocused to reflect that niche. Up until a recent event, 910 Homes and all that name means to us has been a priority. That recent event gave us a new priority, our daughter Ellie. We work hard every day to give her the best life has to offer. So you know we will do our absolute best for you, so she can be proud of us. Our business is family owned and operated; so that's how we treat our clients. Are you ready to become part of the 910 Homes family? Give us a call!