MSC General Construction, Inc Your Value Creator!
MSC General Construction, Inc Your Value Creator!

MSC General Construction, Inc Your Value Creator!

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Hired 1 time

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5 employees

27 years in business

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46 photos

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46 photos


Customers rated this pro highly for work quality, professionalism, and responsiveness.

Very good 4.6

7 reviews


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Bongsoo S.
Feb 14, 2019
I recommend MSC. We hired them to do an entire 4Bed/2Bath house remodeling. At a fairly competitive price, they’ve done a high quality work. They were very experienced — they processed all the permits smoothly and passed inspections as scheduled. Mr. Mun came everyday and worked hard, many times working after hours until late night and during weekends to finish our project in time. Their communication was clear which helped ~2 month project to finish smoothly. For any issues, they responded promptly to find a solution. There were couple change of orders but those were inevitable. Unless obviously difficult, they took into account and worked on all of our additional requests without extra charge.
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Joon s.
Sep 21, 2018
revor dealt with us for our cabinet and closet remodel project. He was prompt and professional during our initial appointment to work on design concept. His designs are sound and address our storage needs well. His work crews' workmanship is excellent and they finished the project within a reasonable time.
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Eunyoung F.
Sep 20, 2018
I was satisfied with MSC’s professionalism and quality of work. Charlie and Sarah are a great couple that complement each other to bring the best value to customers. Thanks!!
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Young C.
Sep 26, 2018
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Mison O.
Sep 20, 2018
I recently updated my house. I asked my many friends about a contractor recommendation and none of them were happy with theirs. Mr. Mun worked at my house for six weeks and he was trustworthy and excellent. He did his best to satisfy the customer and I will hire him again, especially since my husband and I were very particular.
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Sanghee Han

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MSC General Construction, Inc Your Value Creator!
MSC General Construction, Inc Your Value Creator!
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Background Check

Sanghee Han

Completed on 8/5/2021