You are a Brilliant Being of Light, here to shine brightly in your creative flow! I honor you in your fullness! Connect to your Inner Light! Never give your power away! Stay strong! You already have the Knowing within you. Just Be. Stillness. Listen Within. Find what works for you!
I am honored to support you in your journey if that feels right for you.
Peace and Love
Release stuck, negative energy, heal & harmonize the chakras, and restore balance in your Aura.
Reiki assists in the healing process. It’s especially good for assisting with grief, trauma, emotional distress, mental fog, depression, PTSD and stress.
I offer group and private sessions for:
Reiki Light Healing, Sound Healing, Chakra Healing, Meditation & Yoga.
Private Reiki Light Healing: $110/hour or
$125/ 75min.
I use Divine Light, Reiki Energy and Sound Therapy to assist in the healing process. Relieve grief, depression, pain, stress & traumas. Create Harmony in your Aura energy field. Reiki is a practice of channeling energy & working with the Aura energy field to promote health & wellness. I use several different techniques to be a conduit for the energy where I channel Universal Life Force Energy to you to clear blocks, release negative energies, bring in positive energies, balance your Chakra energy centers & restore harmony to your Aura energy field. I place Crystals along your Chakras to enhance the energy flow. I use Essential oils on the head and feet to assist in the process. I burn White Sage to cleanse the air and aura. I bring down many different Divine Lights specific to my clients needs. I bring down Reiki energy. Concluding the session with Sound Therapy Crystal Singing Bowls to feel and raise your Vibration! Assisting you in Naturally Healing the mind and body! Navigate through difficult situations at work or home, relationships, divorce, loss, accidents or traumas, past or present. Reconnect with your higher self/ inner being!
Private Sound Healing: $110/hour
Uplift you Chakra, Aura and all of your energies with 7 Crystal Singing Bowls Sound Bath. Raise your vibration.
Private Chakra Healing: $110/hour
Clear you Chakras and balance your energies.
Be gently guided through an active meditation using colors and Divine Light for clearing negative energies, restoring harmony & balance and bringing in peace, love, illumination, wisdom, clarity, divine knowledge and prosperity.
Learn how to connect to your higher wisdom to receive your guidance and inspiration for anything in your life, career, family, relationships, spiritually, conditions and situations.
Private yoga: $95/hour in studio
Have a class tailored specifically to your needs physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Enjoy yoga for the mind, body and soul! Reduce stress, relax the mind, stretch sore muscles, breathe deeply, improve balance, tone lean muscle and realign the body.
A combination of services available!
2 hour Workshops held once a month:
Learn many things including mindfulness, yoga, Divine Light meditation, Grounding meditation, Sanskrit mantra, affirmations, chakra’s, Aura and tuning into your higher self for your wisdom. Experience group Reiki Energy and Sound Vibration Healing Therapy with Crystal Singing Bowls!
Reiki Training and Certification: Reiki 1 - $225/person, Reiki 2 - $225/person & Reiki 3/Master - $445
Learn about Reiki Energy and how to use it for healing yourself and others. Learn about the chakras, aura and how energy works in the body. Learn how to tune into the energy. Receive Reiki Attunements for raising your vibration to better channel Reiki Energy through you to others. Learn the Reiki Symbols starting in Reiki 2. Learn about Divine light and how to use it to increase the effectiveness of Reiki Energy.
Hands on practice in technique. How to deal with clients. Receive a Reiki Manual and Certificate. 8 hours of training.
More information on my ********************************* and website