- What should the customer know about your pricing (e.g., discounts, fees)?
We provide upfront pricing. Our techs will arrive and tell you our game plan after you update us on anything we may need to know. Then they will begin diagnosing the issue. After they've gathered enough evidence to support a solution they will come back and tell you what they believe the best options are. You are brought along the entire way and we make sure you're aware of all that we're doing. You pick a plan and we do the work. Right now we don't offer any discounts outside of standard marketing promos you may find in the mail.
- What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
We treat every job the same to maximize customer satisfaction - we will arrive and diagnose the issue after checking in with you. Once we propose a plan and you pick one we will do the work.
- What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
Our franchise in Philadelphia has 25+ years of experience and there are 50+ franchises across the nation - we've seen it all!