Everyone Makes Music
Everyone Makes Music

Everyone Makes Music

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Early childhood is the critical time for music learning. Our classes are based on the 50 years of music learning research. Call us for a free sample class for ages three months to five years old. We offer nontraditional piano lessons, also based on music learning theory will have your students playing with both hands right away. Within 4-5 years, your child will have developed an understanding of music and competency at the piano that will allow them to read music, play by ear, improvise, compose, play off lead sheets, etc., for a lifetime. No more years of lessons and then never touching the piano again. They will have a lifelong friend.
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Courtney Y.
Feb 25, 2015
I have been attending Mrs Ruth's music classes since my child was 3 months old and she is now almost 5. My other child is 2 and has been exposed since birth. It has been an amazing experience and has brought tremendous joy to me and my children. They sing the songs all the time and are very musical. Mrs. Ruth is wonderful with the children and adults and does a great job explaining what we are doing and why. I would do this all over again and recommend her to everyone.