Did you know figs wouldn’t exist without a fig wasp getting trapped in a fig tree floral bloom? This is called a symbiotic relationship and I take this concept into my vocation as a musician: Music cannot exist without story.
The story is our "musica humana” — the music that is within us. We all contain music within us, and any one life is capable of creating much beauty in the world. With me you can be assured confidence, that someone believes in your story and that you can create beauty with it.
Throughout my development as a composer, and in my time instructing singers how to better their singing, I found a love for vocal coaching.
I believe that if we all learned how to communicate better, we would all live happier lives. Lives with less illness, trauma, and hurtful experiences.
What is voice coaching?
It's a process of analyzing and providing feedback to improve how we communicate, by reinforcement of core beliefs and allowing these beliefs to determine our actions and trajectories in our lives.
What's the goal of voice coaching?
To define your purpose/your message in this world and make the life that you want a reality.
To develop your physical voice to be a reflection of your purpose/your message. Clear and defined, confident and authentic, peaceful and moving.
What can you expect from voice coaching with Brooke:
-Attuned guidance from an individual who navigated her way out of inherited, generational trauma, and a developed C-PTSD from her childhood
-Expert guidance from a 20-year musician who has studied the voice and trumpet; who repaired her vocal cords after an accident when she was 18 over the timespan of 18 months
Learn more on my website!