we offer the following services
Structured - group services by categories.
Attractive - add a brief description of the benefit to the client.
Be specific - specify what exactly is included in the service.
Example of registration of services
Construction and repair
Cosmetic repairs (painting walls, puttying, pasting wallpaper)
Overhaul (replacement of floor, plumbing, electrical wiring)
Plasterboard installation (walls, ceilings, partitions)
Laying tiles (on the floor, walls, bathroom, kitchen)
Replacement and installation of doors and windows
Construction of terraces, gazebos, fences
General cleaning (window cleaning, floor cleaning, dust removal)
Post-construction cleaning (removal of construction dust, remaining materials)
Cleaning of offices and commercial premises
Cleaning after moving (disinfection, garbage removal)
Cleaning of facades and windows (including work at height)