FAT FREE YOGA  with Connie
FAT FREE YOGA  with Connie

FAT FREE YOGA with Connie

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Hello I look forward to meeting you. Setting and reaching your personal goals is a celebration. As a Yoga teacher/Therapist I wanted to share how FUN yoga/fitness can be anywhere any time. Clients/students in classes or in small groups share what they their goal is in fitness/health. I teach basic 101 yoga adding Breathing tech. strength/balance + more to challenge; encourage to see smiles on their faces next time we meet. Please consider to see results allow at least 3-4 classes. Working together one on one I focus on what you want and also give you material to use at home. I love to share the benefits of practicing Breathing techniques, Inner visual to relax, Meditation, Easy poses to relax tension and stress. I have heard incredible feedback from my students. I have been teaching for 11 years, certified Yoga Therapist and teacher. Questions?

Hired 1 time

Background checked

1 employee

19 years in business

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Cash.

Background Check

Connie Fry