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Elemental Business Works, LLC
Elemental Business Works, LLC

Elemental Business Works, LLC

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While the work is subjective the biggest difference I have from many web designers is that I wasn't a "geek" by trade. I was in several other businesses prior to web design and understand that side of the equation well. Both as a small business owner and a consumer using the computer. Accordingly I focus on making sites easy to navigate for the end user. I enjoy the variety of businesses with whom I work. In one week I worked with a cruise planner, lawyer, rock band, plumber and a vineyard. I also like the fact that web design is creative AND functional. It's not just pretty pictures on the computer; it can actually become the base from which a business operates and the single biggest piece of their overall marketing puzzle.
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  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Be very clear about what you need the site to do and how you see it growing over time. Search the web for other sites you like and make a list of the reasons you like them.