Destin General Repairs
Destin General Repairs

Destin General Repairs

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Destin General Repairs does a wide range of repairs including kitchen appliances, waterheaters, etc. also do interior painting and flooring also light plumbing & remodeling. I enjoy doing work with my hands and helping out my customers get work done correctly and safely for a great low price.
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Customers rated this pro highly for work quality, professionalism, and punctuality.


2 reviews


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Rachel L.
Jan 21, 2018
I absolutely love Destin General Repairs! My refrigerator was broken and I was afraid I would have to purchase a new one but Destin General Repairs fixed it and now it's good as new. They are very professional and they valued me as a customer. They arrived right on time and got the work done in no time! I will always be a loyal customer to their services.
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Monique M.
Jan 23, 2018
Mr.Destin is awesome. You can tell he’s very passionate about what he does and he cares about his customers. I give this company 2 thumbs up!
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Destin General Repairs
Destin General Repairs
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