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Karki Health
Karki Health

Karki Health

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Sorry this pro can’t do your job, but we know other pros who can.
I am not going to put you on a strict diet and tell you what you "should" and "should not" do. I am your partner in finding an approach to your health, in all aspects, both just what you eat, and how much you exercise. I look at all aspects of your life with you, and create an intigrated plan for you as an individual. I love working with people to help them become healthier then they are now. I like to help people on their journey, and setting goals that help them get to where they want to be.

Hired 23 times

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10 years in business

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Excellent 4.9

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Brian S.
Apr 21, 2015
It is my pleasure to review Carrie. I met Carrie at a conference. At first glance Carrie seems like just an ordinary person. She does not dress in a suit, or wear a lot of makeup, or spend a lot of time trying to look the part of what I was used to seeing in speakers at these types of conferences. I actually thought she was an attendee who snuck backstage. But when we started chatting, I soon realized that Carrie has a naturally mesmorizing personality. Within minutes I felt like we had known each other for years, as did the other speakers. I ended up hiring Carrie as a Sales and Life Coach for my company. Over the 8 years that she has worked with my employees I have seen her connect and build rapport with our top executives and all levels of staff equally. Carrie easily fits in with all personality types, and people of various backgrounds. Carrie is one of the most educated people I have ever met, yet she easily relates to people who have little or no education too. It seems that when Carrie walks into a room of people they are naturally attracted to her. It always amazes me to see how all types of people love her, and how she can fit in and connect with everyone she meets. Carrie has a passion for helping and motivating people. She recently inspired my staff to start a weight loss challenge. The staff has lost a lot of weight and now they are having monthly competitions to see who can loose, and keep off the most weight. One staff member has lost over 100 lbs in the last year with Carrie's help! Carrie is an amazing person, who has a great deal of knowledge, and is amazing at everything she does. She only spends her time on what she is passionate about, and it shows in her success!
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Cindy N.
Apr 22, 2015
Carrie is amazing. I am working with her because my parents want me to be more to used on school. Carrie realized early on I was not interested in being told to do what I parents were pushing me tward. She had me look at what I wanted and what would make me happy, and not what is "best" for me. I realized that I do want to go and finish a degree, but not on the same path my parents were pushing me into. My mom also started seeing Carrie, but more for weight loss. My mom has lost some weight, but she is now taking better care of herself, and is stressed out less. And we have a much better relationship than we do before. I would highly recommend Carrie for life coaching!
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Nicole P.
Jul 14, 2015
I love working with Carrie. At first I was scared that she would put me on some crash diet or crazy exercise plan. In the past that is what always happened with me. I then quickly burned out and went back to my old habits. Carrie worked with me to develop a plan that works for me. And she was not like nutritionists I have seen before, she did not just tell me what to eat and what not to eat. She talked with me about what I needed and let me set small goals. There always no carb or calorie counting, no crazy weight loos gimmicks. And I loved her idea of a program versus paying per visit. It made me accountable for following my goals. I am on my second month, and I have lost about 6 pounds, but I feel amazing. Carrie has taught me to take better care of myself, not just with diet and exercise; but with stress reduction and self care too. I feel like I am in a far better place physically and emotionally then just a few weeks before we began working together. Well worth the money! I paid far more and received far less in the past with yo-yo dieting, personal trainers, nutritionists, and alternative healers. Carrie does more than all of them combined! And she taught me how to cook amazing gormet veggitarian meals. I am not a veggitarian, but her recipes make me think about becoming vegan!
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Nick P.
Apr 21, 2015
I loved working with Carrie! I wanted help with my career and selling better. Carrie helped me with my sales and helped me get a better balance in my work and private life. The cost was well worth the time and changes she helped me make. And managed to loose 10 lbs in 6 months working with her!
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Julia L.
Apr 21, 2015
I used Carrie to help me loose weight. I highly recommend working with her! I lost about 15 lbs in 3 months with just diet changes. Carrie and I are working on trying to fit an exercise routine into my weight loss plan and I hope to loose the last 10lbs I have till I hit my goal weight.


  • How did you get started doing this type of work?

    More details on how my health journey began can be seen on my blog at www.karkihealth.com. But basically, I started loosing weight, and realized how simple it can be. I realized that I, like most people, had really no clue how to be healthy! But when I had my "Ahah moment" the series of small changes were easy. I went from a person that never cooked, and lived off of fast food, to a person who eats only organic and whole foods. For people who have known me for years, it was like I became a hippie tree hugger overnight. But really it was a lot of small changes compounded over time. I thought "I really want to help others learn to be healthier. And what is worse than a doctor, nutritionist, or (worst of all) a skinny person telling you what you should do or give you a list of foods you hate and set you up to fail on a "diet"?" That is how I decided to train in health coaching, and start Karki Health