KGA Coatings
KGA Coatings

KGA Coatings

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Motivation comes from different things for different people; we are driven by personal integrity and our families. This is how we support our wives, kids and household, which in turns makes us want to work hard every day. We are all meticulous neat-freaks. Speaking personally, I have always loved taking an object or space that is messy, old and dirty, and make it look brand new - it is an odd & unusual passion, but a true one. This easily plays right into a garage floor coating and cabinetry. Not to mention our love for garages in general.
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  • How did you get started doing this type of work?

    I grew up in the garage working with my dad on cars, motorcycles and anything in-between. Couple that with a love for cleanliness, it all falls into place.

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Don't necessarily go by the numbers. Find someone you enjoy talking to and potentially working with.

  • What questions should customers think through before talking to professionals about their project?

    As the founder, I have more of a tech, marketing and business development background as opposed to a contractor-related background. I'm confident to relay this information, as I try to evade any and all of the common stigmas that go along with "contractors". I am very thorough, incredibly clean and dedicated.