If you are seeking someone who is intuitive and who knows energy to help you create a home that feels the way you want to feel and helps to create energy that helps to demonstrate the changes in your life, then this is the place!
This is great for someone who maybe wants a consult and not a full overhaul or full redecoration consultation and continued design.
As an intuitive energy healer and spiritual mentor for 8 years I help people see the ways things can change to create more flow in life. One of my personal areas of interest has always been interiors and over the years I began to help friends and clients with my eye for interiors.
I focus on helping to see the visions you have and what the story of the home will say and communicate on an energetic level to help you or to fully manage an interior upgrade.
I believe homes are an extension of our own energy and when we change the home we also shift our energy. Doing this with intention can create more harmony and abundance in your life.
I can work with most styles but particularly fond of incorporating vintage and whimsical accents and clean natural bohemian places. I do utilize modern elements. My work can help you work with what you already have as well as to purchase new.
For now I am pricing to gain deeper experience, although I have a few, I am here to gain more.