Deborah McCloud Photography
Deborah McCloud Photography

Deborah McCloud Photography

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I think the thing I enjoy most about my job is when a client finally gets the first look at their photos and immediately begins to tear up. This actually happens quite often and believe me, the client is not the only one with tears. It's such a feeling of accomplishment to know that you can capture a moment in time and it will impact someone's life so emotionally at a glance. It is the best feeling in the world and it makes the many, many hours of work and time I spend away from my own family, worth every second.
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24 photos


  • What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?

    I absolutely continue to educate myself in order to learn and grow as the field changes and customers have different needs. I take classes in order to better myself whenever necessary as well as when a new technique becomes available. I am currently enrolled in two different classes and am near completion of both. I will continue to grow and learn throughout my life because I am never satisfied that I know enough. There is always more to learn and I actually enjoy the challenge!

  • How did you get started doing this type of work?

    I remember as a small child, at 4 years old while on vacation with my parents, my father placed a polaroid instamatic camera in my little hands and told me how to look through the viewfinder and push the button to take a picture. My parents still have that photo and it was in focus and well composed for even an adult! That was the beginning of my love of trying to capture the best in my photos. In 2010, my husband purchased my first dSLR camera and it rarely leaves my side. I've grown by leaps and bounds and every moment is something new and special. It's very rewarding to do what you love, what you have a passion for. This is my passion.

  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    I work closely with clients in order to offer the very best photography experience possible. I photograph all aspects of life, all of the special moments, and sometimes 'just because'. Families, Couples, Newborns, Children, Weddings, Maternity, Birth, Milestones, Engagements, and more. I work on location as well as offer studio services for sensitive newborns, infants, and small children if needed. I offer all photography services, as well as retouching of the images, and I print through a high quality professional print house in order to provide the best product possible.