Herrman & Herrman, PLLC (Houston Office)
Herrman & Herrman, PLLC (Houston Office)

Herrman & Herrman, PLLC (Houston Office)

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With over 100 years of combined experience among the legal team of Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., our attorneys have successfully resolved over 20,000 cases. When representing injured Texas residents, we fight for justice against wrongdoing and aggressively pursue the best resolution to complex personal injury claims. Our legal team considers it an honor to fight for our clients victimized by negligent acts. We remain by our clients’ side, handling all aspects of their claims and attending to all legal, medical and financial needs.

Hired 3 times

Serves Houston, TX

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100 employees

33 years in business

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Personal injury type


Exceptional 5.0

24 reviews


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Thumbtack Customer
Jan 6, 2022

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From Google

My husband was in a horrific 3 vehicle accident. His left leg was crushed, with a compound fracture below the knee. The shock of the accident also injured his heart and his kidneys. While he was still in the hospital, we both realized he needed a good accident, personal injury attorney. He called Herrman and Herrman and asked to speak to Will Privette, accident attorney. He was highly recommended to us by friends. Will and his staff really helped us through this stressful time. Also, Will was so helpful handling our problems with Medicare. Two members of Will's staff, Megan and Kendra, were particularly helpful to me, handling all the paperwork, and answering all of our questions anytime we called. We both highly recommend Will Privette with Herrman and Herrman, if you ever need an accident, personal injury lawyer.Kay & Gary Watson
Herrman & Herrman, PLLC (Houston Office)'s reply
Thank you, for leaving such a great review and taking the time to share your experience!
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Thumbtack Customer
Jan 3, 2022

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From Google

Thank you Herrman & Herrman for my great experience when it came to my wife and I when involved in an automobile accident. You all took great care of everything for us from doctor visits to getting our vehicle fixed. Their staff helped up every step of the way. If you ever need a Personal Injury Lawyer I highly recommend Herrman & Herrman ask forCindy Trigo, you will not be disappointed.
Herrman & Herrman, PLLC (Houston Office)'s reply
Thank you, for leaving such a great review and taking the time to share your experience!
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Thumbtack Customer
Jan 3, 2022

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From Google

My husband and I were in a auto accident right before Christmas just when we thought how could it get worse and started to feel the stress to pile on. We were recommended to call Cindy Trigo at Herrman & Herrman one of the best experience ever, she took care of everything for us so that we didn't have more stress added on to us. She helped us every step of the way from doctors appointment to getting our vehicle fixed. She kept us informed through the whole process. The office was super friendly, welcoming and very professional. Thank you Cindy, the staff and Herrman & Herrman for all the hard work you have done for us. We greatly appreciate how dedicated you are to your clients.
Herrman & Herrman, PLLC (Houston Office)'s reply
Thank you, for leaving such a great review and taking the time to share your experience!
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Thumbtack Customer
Dec 30, 2021

From Google

From Google

Call the law offices of Herrman and Herrman if youve been injured in a wreck in Houston. They have been fighting insurance companies for years and will take care of you and your case
Herrman & Herrman, PLLC (Houston Office)'s reply
Thank you, for leaving such a great review and taking the time to share your experience!
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Thumbtack Customer
Dec 28, 2021

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From Google

I am very pleased with the outcome and how dedicated Mr. Johnsons team work. I was kept up-to-date on everything and not only informed but I loved that I felt so comfortable talking to everyone that I never felt afraid to call and ask questions. To me that is very important. I highly recommend if you are in an accident that you look no further. Mr. Johnson and his team is there for you to get the best outcome and what you deserve.
Herrman & Herrman, PLLC (Houston Office)'s reply
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to review us. Thank you for choosing Herrman & Herrman!

License Type: Attorney (TX)

License verified on 11/20/2023

Background Check

Gregory Herrman

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Herrman & Herrman, PLLC (Houston Office)
Herrman & Herrman, PLLC (Houston Office)
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Credential Details

License Holder: Gregory Herrman

License Type: Attorney (TX)

License number: #09540500

License verified on 11/20/2023

Valid through 11/20/2025

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Background Check

Gregory Herrman

Completed on 2/18/2021