Khsda Community Kitchen & Vegan Delicacies Specializes In Bringing You Savory, Supple Meals That Warm Your Palate & Bring You Much Needed Comfort, Nutrition & Experience. It Is A Cultivation Of 25 Years Building My Skills In Cooking Including My 15+ Years Celebrating & Introducing The Vegan Lifestyle. The Focus Of Khsda Community Kitchen & Vegan Delicacies Is To Provide Superb, Quality Food & Experience That Feed The Spirit & Nourishes The Soul. That's Vegan. That's Hearth.
Khsda Cuisine Range, Includes
Melanated Soul
Mexican Selections
Healthy Greens
Unique Creations
Savory Desserts
Infusion Therapy [*Coming Soon*]
Khsda Means Favor [Also Kindness & Mercy]. The Journey To Khsda Has Been A Journey Rooted In Scripture & Understanding Of How To Live In Harmony Within Planet Earth. It Has Led To Some Fine Dining & Radical Creations.
Food Is The Hearth Of Life & It Has Always Been My Pleasure To Provide. With A Vision To One Day Create An Establishment That Caters To The Less Fortunate & More, I'm Khsda [Born Na-Asia Ellis] & I Look Forward To Bringing You An Absolutely Fantastic, One Of A Kind [Reoccurring, If You Fancy ;-)] Vegan Experience. 100%.
*Caution* Spice Levels May Exceed Low & Moderate Tolerances.
*** Italian Is A Safe Space ***