Klutter P”s Junk removal services
Klutter P”s Junk removal services

Klutter P”s Junk removal services

Starting price

It’s free, with no obligation to book

Thumbtack Guarantee

If you hire this pro, you’re covered by a money-back guarantee. Learn more

If you hire this pro, you’re covered by a money-back guarantee. Learn more

We will ensure that every job is done thoroughly, leaving the space clean and tidy. This includes sweeping up after the removal and treating the customer’s property with care. We will also show up on time, deliver on our promises, and follow through with every job, no matter how big or small.

Serves Houston, TX

Background checked

2 employees

2 years in business

Business hours

SunClosedMon7:00 am - 7:00 pm

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Apple Pay, Cash, and Credit card.

Background Check

Kendall Pleasant