Alisha Ford Design, LLC
Alisha Ford Design, LLC

Alisha Ford Design, LLC

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Type of home organizing service
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Hi, I'm Alisha! Owner/Operator and Principal Designer of Alisha Ford Design. My goal is to provide professional and affordable interior design and organizing services to residents and businesses desiring to decorate or organize their space. I pride myself on being able to look at a space and see the potential and I focus on bringing your decorating and design ideas to life.

Hired 1 time

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6 years in business

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This pro accepts payments via PayPal.

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12 photos

Type of home organizing service



Customers rated this pro highly for work quality, professionalism, and responsiveness.


2 reviews


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Aaron S.
Jun 23, 2022
Very professional, created a beautiful atmosphere, and the process was smooth from start to finish
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Kendra M.
Jun 26, 2022
"Alisha is an interior designer that has helped me with several rooms in my new home. I would recommend her for any space, large or small! She is able to work with multiple interior design styles, [is] professional, punctual, listens to what you envision for your space and helps you to bring it to life! Don’t worry if you don’t have a complete concept of what you want. Alisha knows the right questions to ask to help you zero in on your vision. She is highly adaptable and able to make modifications as you grow into your home and discover more about your design preferences." -Kendra M.
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Alisha Ford

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Alisha Ford Design, LLC
Alisha Ford Design, LLC
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Alisha Ford

Completed on 6/30/2022