Nirvana GYM is committed to your success. We focus on providing exceptional customer service, where you are not pressured, but rather motivated to attain your goals. By requiring our trainers to complete certifications in their respective fields, you can be rest assured knowing that your health is in excellent hands. Our vision is to build a community of individuals who believe that healthy living is a prerequisite to leading a successful and happy life.
I am passionate about helping people overcome their obstacles of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
I am a NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer, Registered Yoga Teacher, and a Certified Meditation Teacher. I believe in developing mental fortitude and by doing so, maintaining a lifestyle becomes habitual compared to a continual battle. I, along with Nirvana GYM team, will work with you personally and collectively, if need be, to provide you the necessary resources to put you in a position to succeed and to develop this healthy lifestyle.
My workouts utilize a combination of exercises that firm and tone, build muscle, burn fat, increase flexibility, build endurance, all the while developing mental fortitude. I feel that the mind is the biggest obstacle in preventing people from accomplishing whatever they are set to accomplish. The mind is also instrumental in overcoming food cravings and making the proper decisions regarding nutritional intake which ultimately lead to a healthier lifestyle.