Studio Ruby Creative & Healing Arts
Studio Ruby Creative & Healing Arts

Studio Ruby Creative & Healing Arts

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🌺 This is such a powerful process. I’ve been having amazing results with my clients. This process is excellent for those who feel stuck, have anxiety, are struggling with relationships, feeling unworthy and the list goes on. Areas influenced can be: —Overcoming trauma, past abuse —Negative Recurring Thoughts & Worry —Resolving recurring negative relationship patterns —Major Life transitions & Grief —Spiritual development & healing —Career burnout —Developing personal authenticity —Cultivating self-compassion & self-acceptance 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 Repatterning combines new psychology, energy healing, trauma release, meridian and 5 elements system, hypnosis and applied kinesiology. I recommend you check out my reviews on Thumbtack, Google & Yelp for better insight into the nature of a session and overall the effects of this work. When these tools are combined in sessions, we are able to repattern old fears & beliefs that are holding you back and help you build the life you really want. My certifications are in: —Resonance Repatterning License —Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) —Hypnotism —Timeline Therapy —Energy Constriction Release —Spontaneous Transformation Technique One of the keys to transformation is to get to the root of the problem, but what I have found is the root cause is not always known on a conscious level. The tools I use in sessions are able to speak to the unconscious mind. Once the root is cleared, the symptoms, such as anxiety, fear and insecurities are able to release from the body for self-healing. Sessions are offered by phone, video conferencing or in my office located in South Austin, TX. Sessions are approximately 2 hours long and my fee is: $197 per session or $697 for a package of 4 sessions. Let’s get you feeling better! 🌺 Ruby

Hired 49 times

Serves Austin, TX

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10 years in business

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Exceptional 5.0

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Todd J.
Feb 12, 2025

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Ruby was able to unlock my confidence level which to be honest I didn’t know I lost until it was back. This discovery has rejuvenated my life in ways that I didn’t even realize Thank you I will be back for more as each discovery has been something I have never really spoken about and to release them is really amazing
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Don G.
Feb 12, 2025

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

I found that Ruby is a warm, compassionate, and caring therapist. She immediately made me feel at ease and comfortable, and provided plenty of time to get familiar with my needs. She explained each procedure and was very happy to answer any of my questions. Her dedication to helping others is obvious in her overall approach. After my first session I found a profound difference between my thoughts, feelings and emotions. It was so much more than I had imagined. I look forward to interacting with her again soon. I really can’t say enough about my positive experience, and would highly recommend her to anyone seeking resolution in the myriad of areas she is capable of addressing.
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Aize B.
Jan 29, 2025

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Have experienced two sessions with Ruby in which she has made a great first and second impression. I did not walk in with resentment or doubt towards the process which I belive helps tremendously. Ruby was and is understanding, patient, kind and knowledgeable. She is skilled at what she does. I'm thankful.
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Shannon c.
Oct 9, 2024

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Ruby was punctual. She listened well. She gave me good insights about abuse in my life. What she discovered about me was her books was accurate
Therapy and Counseling
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Jessica G.
Oct 22, 2023

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

I had an amazing first session with Ruby! Words can’t explain how well it went. I felt like I had a safe place to speak and work through my anxieties and fears. She was patient she was understanding and guided me through the session. I felt accomplished after my first session and feel like I’m on a path to healing. Would absolutely recommend to anyone who needs guidance on their journey.
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Ruby Powell

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Studio Ruby Creative & Healing Arts
Studio Ruby Creative & Healing Arts
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Ruby Powell

Completed on 4/14/2019