Lone Star Painitng Pro's
Lone Star Painitng Pro's

Lone Star Painitng Pro's

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🤠 Howdy, West Texas! 🎨 At Lone Star Painting Pros, we’re not just another paintbrush in the shed – we’re your hometown hustle with the muscle to make your home shine like the Texas sunset. Based right here in Abilene, we understand the heart and soul of our community, and we bring that same local pride to every project. Whether you’re looking to freshen up your ranch-style home or add a splash of color to your downtown loft, we’ve got you covered. Our team of skilled painters knows the ins and outs of Texas weather and terrain, ensuring a finish that stands up to the Lone Star State’s toughest conditions. With Lone Star Painting Pros, you’re not just hiring a painting company – you’re investing in quality, integrity, and good old-fashioned Texas hospitality. So why settle for anything less? Let us bring your vision to life, because in Abilene, we know it’s not just paint – it’s a piece of our story. Saddle up and give us a call today to see how we can add a touch of Texas charm to your home sweet home. 🌟

Background checked

3 employees

1 year in business

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Customers rated this pro highly for value, work quality, and responsiveness.


1 review


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Josh T.
Jul 10, 2024
Overall great service and great people! Will call them with any other needs in the future.
Background Check

Tyler Morgan

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Lone Star Painitng Pro's
Lone Star Painitng Pro's
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Background Check

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Thumbtack uses third-party data to verify that a Pro’s business meets a set of criteria to determine the business entity is legitimate and does not have unsatisfied liens or judgments over $100.

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Credential Details
Background Check

Tyler Morgan

Completed on 7/12/2024