I started my own landscaping company in 2021 in my home state because I really enjoy yard work and was taking on so many side jobs that it worked out best to make it a full-time career choice.
My family and I moved to Tennessee at the end of 2024 with the plan of me staying in the field of landscaping as my vocation. I usually work independently, however occasionally I will work alongside other landscapers (like arborists) to help them meet a goal or fulfill a deadline in an efficient and economical way. I love working outside and have some experience in construction, served a couple years as a volunteer firefighter for the city and county I lived in, and worked a few years as a farm laborer. Sometimes I believe it can be helpful having work experience in various fields so that you can develop problem solving skills that are essential for a small business owner to sharpen in order to clear hurdles along the way. Lawn mowing and property improvement projects are more than just a hobby for me: My goal is to focus on small to medium size projects in order to help homeowners free up a larger amount of time in their busy schedule.