Austin Brookie Web Design, LLC
Austin Brookie Web Design, LLC

Austin Brookie Web Design, LLC

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For over 10 years now, I have been doing web design and web application development part time for small businesses and organizations. Austin Brookie Web Design, LLC is the perfect fit for local businesses and organizations that are looking for an attractive, fully functional website solution. My mission is to design and implement a customized web solution for each client. I make it a point to provide great service and support from the first contact until completion of the project. I enjoy working directly with the client and delivering exactly what each individual client needs. Every one of my projects goes through a six step work process that will result in a successful project from beginning to end. No matter how big or how small the assignment, I will work closely with you to ensure you get the exact website solution you are looking for.

1 employee

19 years in business

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2 reviews


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Jared W.
Jan 19, 2016
Austin has done all my web design for years now, a true professional.
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Michael S.
Jan 27, 2016
Total web design for corporation and maintains updates as directed by President


  • What should the customer know about your pricing (e.g., discounts, fees)?

    Each project will be quoted individually based on how big or small the project is. With each project, I offer 3 months (90 days) of service and support for your site absolutely free. During this period, any changes, updates, or minor modifications I will take care of for you. This allows for a smooth transition for you the client to begin taking over the full administration of the site yourself.

  • What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?

    I have 10+ years development experience using HTML/HTML5, CSS, PHP, Javascript, C# .NET, CRM, and SQL. My education background includes: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING - CLEMSON UNIVERSITY MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) - CLEMSON UNIVERSITY

  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    Manufacturing Companies, Media Companies, Churches, Crowd Management Company, Political Campaigns, Energy Companies, Tutoring Services, Healthcare Services, Individual Websites, etc.