Get jobs in

Receive $100 in free leads when you set up your Thumbtack profile as a Jobber pro.*


In partnership with Jobber.
Thumbtack Pros

Get jobs in

Thumbtack Pros

See how Thumbtack is different.

No subscription fees
No subscription fees

There's no charge to join, no annual fees, and no membership fees.

Great customers
Great customers

Hear from customers who choose you, with high intent to hire.

Control & flexibility
Control & flexibility

Powerful tools help you budget and control how many leads you get.


Other Services
No entry or annual fees
No entry or annual fees
Customer picks you
Customer picks you
Set your own lead prices
Set your own lead prices
Competition limit
Competition limit
Phone numbers with every lead you pay for
Phone numbers with every lead you pay for
Book jobs instantly
Book jobs instantly

The numbers tell the story.

job requests

in the past year


in the past year

5-star reviews

submitted by customers to pros

Why pros love Thumbtack:

  • We limit competition for each job among pros.

  • We match you with jobs that exactly fit your preferences.

  • Easily request and receive payments from customers.

  • You get conversations with real customers. Not just views.

Start getting new customers.

*To receive up to $100 in free leads, you must activate Thumbtack services, set up targeting preferences including a form of payment, and add a review to your account.

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