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Silverhalide Communications and Photography
Silverhalide Communications and Photography

Silverhalide Communications and Photography

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Illumination has filled my sketchbook with bold, mysterious, shadows and light for me to piece together in what I call photographic collages. Two pivotal inspirations to my life artistically have been French photojournalist Henri Cartier-Bresson (August 22, 1908 - August 3, 2004), who became known as the photographer who captured the decisive moment, and the English romantic landscape and marine artist J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851), who became known as the painter of light. My footsteps in life have taken me to Paris and Venice, both places that Cartier-Bresson and Turner have traveled. During my journeys, I have used film and camera as my sketchbook, filling new books with fleeting, atmospheric colors, capturing the decisive and fleeting moments of light as I saw them. Just as Turner took his watercolor sketch books in the studio and produced grand oil paintings, so I take my photographic images and work with them in the digital world, producing photographic prints. The computer has become my painting instrument and the printer my canvas to a new realm beyond imagination. The direct extension of a photograph to a scanned image to photographic print is limitless. In my final images, a new world unfolds, one filled with color, vision, and the beauty of a painting. My work has won numerous awards and been featured in The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Wilmington News Journal, Delaware State News, Philadelphia Weekly, City Paper and other publications, as well as several school collections.
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  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    We meet or communicate by phone or email and discuss the clients needs and expectations fully. I use that knowledge to create a fitting portrait or coverage of their special day in a way that shows the client in their best light.

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Find someone who exudes a positive and friendly personality, too many times there are people out there who do not have a clue how to take a photograph... but they have the latest and greatest equipment.