Holly Karnes
Holly Karnes

Holly Karnes

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I am an illustrator working out of Pittsburgh. I do portraits, book illustrations, and much more. In the past, I've been working on children's book illustrations, tattoo design, graphic design (i.e. logos, banners, etc.), personal and custom paintings, graphic novels, character design, etc.
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3 reviews


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Michelle H.
Jul 22, 2013
Holly Karnes is an amazing artist with such a unique and creative imagination that is projected beautifully in her original and whimsical creations. Her artistic talents are unlimited!
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Jessica K.
Jul 22, 2013
I have had both the opportunity and the pleasure to work with Holly in collaboration. She was a joy to work with. Her creativity and passion in regard to her work make her both a joy to observe and fun to work with. I would gladly work with her again. I have also been on the receiving end of several illustrations by this talented artist. Her work is breathtaking with a style so distinctly her own. I have never been disappointed and plan to commission her again in the future.
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Nora S.
Jul 22, 2013
Holly is very talented. She has done a couple of jobs for us and we couldn't be more pleased with her work. Very conscientious and detail oriented.


  • How did you get started doing this type of work?

    I've been drawing since I developed motor skills. My father is an artist and it just seemed natural that I would make art my profession. Its really all I know, its what I've been doing my entire life and its what I love most in my life. I couldn't see myself doing anything else. I would be completely miserable if I were doing absolutely anything else with my time! Doing art for others brings great joy to my heart. That is why I do it as my profession.

  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    The most common jobs that i tend to do are illustrative work, i.e. protraits, albumn covers, posters, ect... and graphic design work, i.e. logo design, web design, photography, ect. I have done a range of work but i mainly tend to stick with illustration and graphic design.

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Look for an illustrator that is able to do many different facets of the trade. One that is able to work in multiple mediums and that works fact. I am able to do all of that.