Beautiful Beyond Dreams, LLC
Beautiful Beyond Dreams, LLC

Beautiful Beyond Dreams, LLC

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Beautiful Beyond Dreams, LLC is a Professional Wedding & Event Planning company that stands out because it truly is a one of a kind planning experience. Here at BBD, LLC we believe in giving our clients a planning experience. We strive to not only to provide our clients with a memorable planning experience, but we also provide an educational, stress-less, fun-filled planning experience. Our passion for planning really shows in the way we work with our clients and other vendors. When meeting the Executive Planner of Beautiful Beyond Dreams, LLC you will always be greeted with a smile and a sense of comfortableness! Beautiful Beyond Dreams, LLC maintains it's three principles: Passion, Dedication, Success throughout everything we do! Being a wedding & event planner allows me to give my clients an amazing experience! Even better, I love getting to experience others happiness as well. I love weddings because of the love the couples have and express for each other, it's truly something amazing to witness and be apart of! I also enjoy meeting new people and the networking.
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Projects and media

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  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    I love meeting new clients, I would advise a prospective client to have a set budget in mind. Often times I meet clients that tell me they don't have a budget or they are budgeting as they go. This is bad idea, because this is the #1 way to go over budget. I highly suggest coming to a meeting with a set budget or an idea of a set budget and be ready to discuss your budget. Another great tip is to bring a list of questions. Use this meeting to truly try to get to know the Wedding or Event Planner your meeting. You're the client, so treat the meeting like an interview. I love clients that bring a list of questions and really inquire about my company. It shows a Wedding or Event Planner that you are serious and in-tune to what you want!

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Beautiful Beyond Dreams, LLC
Beautiful Beyond Dreams, LLC