- What should the customer know about your pricing (e.g., discounts, fees)?
Our fees are two-part. First, there is a state-mandated amount that can be charged for the actual act of notarizing a document. Generally, it amounts to $5.00 a document (acknowledgment). The second part of our fee is for travel. We base this on the mileage from our home office in Ambler, PA. There are occasions where we are already in the area where you need notarizing (because of previous clients, miscellaneous travel, etc.). If that is the case, we do offer a discount on the travel portion of the fee.
- What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
Once a client agrees to our fees, we set about determining a time and place for the session. Locations can be at the client's home, a hospital, a care center, lawyers office, coffee shop, etc, We stress that we are not allowed, by law, to give legal advice; If the client has questions about the document they are signing, they should contact a legal professional. We also stress that we need a valid/current photo ID for anybody signing the documents, and, if the documents require witnesses, they must supply them.
- What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
In order to be licensed as notaries in Pennsylvania, we had to take training and pass a state test. Additionally, but unrelated to being a notary, Tom has a bachelors degree in Music Education with a math minor. Liza is a retired Physician Assistant.