How much will your pest control services cost?

Columbus, OH 43215

Exterminators on Thumbtack cost$140 - $180

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  • Lowest price:$90
  • Most common low price:$140
  • Most common high price:$180
  • Highest price:$280
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How much does bee and beehive removal cost?

Beehive removal costs an average of $165. However, your costs might be several hundred or thousands of dollars if you have a severe infestation or if the hive is located in a hard-to-reach area.

If you notice a swarm of bees on your property, hire a professional to get rid of it immediately to protect you and your home. Learn more about the cost to exterminate bees and how you get quick estimates from bee removal services near you.

What’s in this cost guide?

Bee exterminator costs vs. other pest control

Hiring a bee exterminator will cost a little more than exterminating other pests, such as ticks, ants and cockroaches. Meanwhile, getting rid of mice, rats, bed bugs and termites costs more. 

Average exterminator costs for various pests:

Termite inspection $55-$300
Mosquitos $77
Spiders $88
Ticks $113
Wasp $129
Ants $131
Cockroaches $134
Bees $165
Fleas $168
Rats or mice $197
Bed bugs $297
Termite treatment (chemical or fumigation)  $1,000-$2,500

What impacts beehive removal costs?

Several factors can influence the cost of removing a nest, including:

Where is the beehive located?

The easier it is for the pest control professional to access the colony, the less expensive the job will be. Sometimes, beehives are in easy-to-reach places, like under an eave or low in a tree. More difficult locations — like within a soffit, behind a wall, behind siding or high up in a tree — make the removal process more involved and require more time. This can translate to higher fees and potentially higher repair costs as well.

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What type of bee is it?

Different types of bees require different methods of removal. A bumblebee nest is usually easiest to remove, as they often live underground. Bumblebee nests contain between 50 and 500 bees, according to the National Wildlife Federation, and they also tend to be more docile than other bees.

Carpenter bees live in small numbers and build individual nests. They can cause structural damage to houses, siding, frames, eaves and decks, which might require repairs.  

A honeybee nest usually has tens of thousands of bees, and they typically appear in trees. But because this insect sometimes makes its home inside walls, the cost to get rid of it may be higher.

Africanized honeybees are dangerous bees to work and might be pricer to remove. Wasp, hornet and other pest infestations can also vary by price.

How large is the infestation?

Depending on the type of bee, a hive could have 50,000 or more bees in it. In this case, swarm removal and bee relocation could be a complex process.

How much repair is needed?

Pest control companies may have to cut into drywall, create cut-outs in soffits or make a port of entry to remove the nest. The cost of repairs can be considerable, especially if they have to remove an exterior wall section.

Here's how much it costs to make home repairs after the bees are gone:

Roof repair costs $200-$300
Siding repair costs $200-$2,000
Deck repair costs $200-$4,500
Drywall repair costs $260-$450
Stucco repair costs $500-$1,000
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Who’s doing the cleanup?

A honeybee, true to its name, leaves honey drippings behind. This mess could also include beeswax and dead bees. The pest control professional may leave this for you to clean up, or they may do it themselves.

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Signs there’s a bee nest near your home

If you suspect you have a bee problem, check the eaves, soffits, interior and exterior walls, floorboards and perimeter of your home for bees. Here are some additional warning signs to look out for:

Buzzing sounds

You may have guessed that first on this list would be the familiar buzzing of a swarm of bees. A honeybee swarm creates a distinctive, humming buzz from the beating of the insects’ wings. In general, the louder and more frequent the buzzing, the larger the colony.

A swarm of bees around your home

If you notice a large number of bees outdoors, chances are high there’s a nest nearby. If bees inexplicably start appearing in your house, there’s a decent chance there’s a nest somewhere in your home. 

Keep in mind bees may naturally be more common in spring. However, if the bees are becoming a nuisance, it’s time to call a professional.

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Dark spots on the ceiling or wall

When bees make a nest inside your home, honey drips from the nest and can leave dark patches on your walls or ceiling. This is a sign not only of an infestation — it’s a sign there's a significant number of bees. This requires professional honeybee removal, as well as home repairs.

Beehive removal process

The idea behind beehive removal services — as opposed to normal pest treatment in which spraying and killing the pest is the main objective — is to remove the hive. 

For honeybees, ask your local exterminators if they can relocate the bees to a local beekeeper. This is recommended because bees are an absolute necessity for human life and pollinating plants. By preserving the nest structure, beekeepers can produce honey and provide a safe habitat for these important pollinators.

Beekeepers may also offer hive removal services themselves as a means of acquiring more bee colonies. This may be done by removing the hive intact, which can then be placed in a sealed compartment.

To access a bee, wasp or hornet nest, the professional may have to open up walls or parts of the ceiling. If the professional cannot easily access the nest, or if the infestation is too large, the bee removal specialist might use a vacuum. But the first step in this process is usually applying a smoker, which calms down the swarm. The vacuum is then used to suck the bees out and transport them. 

DIY vs. hiring a bee removal specialist

Removing bees on your own can be risky if you're not properly trained. In most cases, you should be cautious and hire a professional to safely remove the bees. A pro has more experience assessing damage, removing an entire nest and understanding bee life cycles.

You can — and should — DIY your bee-proofing preventative measures. For example, seal any cracks, gaps or holes in your house’s exterior with caulking to deter bees from getting inside. This will also prevent other potential pest problems, like cockroach or ant colonies.

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How to keep bees away and prevent future infestations

Keep nests and swarms of bees away by caulking all gaps and holes. For large openings, consider using a metal screen or steel wool, according to Entomology Today. Also, get rid of clutter from your yard, as it could be housing bees.

A lone bee appearing out of nowhere could be a scout bee looking for new real estate, so apply a treatment when they appear to deter them from building a nest. And if you’ve recently had a hive removed, thoroughly clean the area. The pheromones left on the old hive can attract new bees. 

If bees continue to return, your home may require preventative treatment and maintenance.

How to choose and hire a bee removal professional

Now that you know the signs of a bee problem, it’s time to find an exterminator. Take the following steps to hire a reputable bee removal professional:

1. Go online to read reviews and ratings

The quickest way to find bee removal pros near you is to conduct an online search. You’ll be able to read customer reviews of local specialists, as well as view their ratings and photos.

2. Check for credentials and licenses

Check whether your state requires a license for bee removers. Make sure that whoever you hire complies with the law. 

Visit Thumbtack’s Smart Hiring guide for a directory of state government websites where you can find information about licensing.

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3. Get free quotes

As you’re looking at specialists’ profiles, contact the ones you think are a good fit and ask them to send you a free estimate. To get an accurate estimate, give the exterminator information about your bee problem: what kind of bee do you suspect it is? Where is the nest located? How big is it? Etc.

Once you’ve received estimates from several exterminators, decide which one is offering the best price for the best service. In some cases, an exterminator might even be willing to match their competitors’ lower prices.

Preparing your home for bee removal

To prepare your home for a bee removal professional, start by clearing the area where they will access the hive. This means moving furniture out of the way and, if they need to enter through the wall, laying down plastic. Get rid of clutter from outdoor areas. 

Find a bee removal specialist today

Prevent swarms of bees from causing damage to your home and household by hiring a bee removal specialist near you.

Frequently asked questions about bee removal

Here are commonly asked questions about bee removal and extermination:

What do bee removal experts do with the bees they remove?

A beekeeper will reinstate the hive on their property (if possible) so that the bees can resume activity and produce honey. 

Do exterminators get rid of bees?

Yes. Exterminators use several methods, including insecticides, bee-proofing and hive removal to get rid of unwanted bees.

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How do I get rid of bees without killing them?

The best way is to hire a professional, such as an exterminator or beekeeper.

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How do we know these prices?

Millions of people ask Thumbtack for help with their projects every year. We track the estimates they get from local professionals, conduct our own research and then we share those prices with you. The prices reflected in the article above are for informational purposes only and are subject to change at any time. Contact a professional near you to receive a personalized cost estimate for your project.


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