Jam Plumbing
Jam Plumbing

Jam Plumbing

Starting price


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Thumbtack Guarantee

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If you hire this pro, you’re covered by a money-back guarantee. Learn more

my focus is quality. we are not the cheapest on the market but we are proud of the service we provide to our customers.

Serves Portland, OR

Background checked

5 employees

13 years in business

Business hours

Sun8:00 am - 5:00 pmMon8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Apple Pay, Cash, Check, Credit card, Venmo, and Zelle.

Social media

Facebook, Instagram

Background Check

Julio Mendez

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Jam Plumbing
Jam Plumbing
Credential Information
Background Check

Account holders can take a national background check through an accredited provider.

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Business Verifications

Thumbtack uses third-party data to verify that a Pro’s business meets a set of criteria to determine the business entity is legitimate and does not have unsatisfied liens or judgments over $100.

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Occupational licenses show that a pro has met the requirements of the relevant regulatory body to perform a certain type of work. The requirements to obtain a license for an occupation vary widely by state, and type of license. When a pro gives Thumbtack their license number, Thumbtack will verify that the license is valid and current at the time the pro submitted their license number through a public database.

Credential Details
Background Check

Julio Mendez

Completed on 12/10/2024