Nora Hogue - Realtor at RE/MAX Results
Nora Hogue - Realtor at RE/MAX Results

Nora Hogue - Realtor at RE/MAX Results

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As a real estate agent of nearly a decade, my role is to provide you with excellent personal service to help make your transaction go as positively and smoothly as possible. I truly value my relationships with my clients and I am dedicated to consistent service and satisfaction. Let my professionalism, knowledge and passion work for you. If you are looking for a committed realtor for your home buying needs, look no further. •Full-time Real Estate Professional •Native Oklahoman -Almost a Decade of R.E. Experience •New Construction - Builders Sales Experience •Member local, State and National Boards of Realtors •Licensed in Both Oklahoma and Florida I love the opportunity to help people find the home they will forever cherish and make memories in or finding their first income property that will begin a path to financial freedom.

Hired 2 times

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Exceptional 5.0

5 reviews


pro avatar
Shelby L.
May 2, 2017
Made our first time home buying experience so great! Could not have asked for anyone better!
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John R.
May 2, 2017
Nora is a great realtor. She goes out of her way to make sure everything is taken care of and there are no unexpected surprises in the buying and selling process.
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Eric c.
May 6, 2017
What do you say about this Realtor except that she will always be there when you no matter the time. She is one of the few that truly care about how your experience goes. Just one of the best out there that cares more about you then herself. Definitely the best one for the job that's out there give her a call you won't be disappointed.
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Tracey N.
May 7, 2017
We are looking for a new home. Nora has been really good to work with and really knows the real estate market in the Tulsa area.
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Isiah M.
May 28, 2017

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

She is an excellent business lady and know her business. Knowledge of the area where our house is an explan the Good and Bad points of selling our house. She taken time we us. Excellent person.
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Nora Hogue

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Nora Hogue - Realtor at RE/MAX Results
Nora Hogue - Realtor at RE/MAX Results
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Nora Hogue

Completed on 6/10/2018