* The prices you see on this platform does not reflect our final price.
*We offer discounts this platform is unable to offer you, so we have developed a better way to give you a final price based on your needs and customizable options.
* No homes are created equal. Some have several family members and pets, while others are small with empty nesters and no children and pets. There are 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths homes that are 1,500 sqft and there are 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths homes that are 5,000 sqft. The bigger the job, the more crew members we will have readily available for the completion of the service. Therefore, we can’t price a smaller home the same way we price a larger home and vice-versa, so we gather needed info from the clients in order to price it right.
* We can do an in-person consultation when possible, but we understand that life is busy for everyone, so we have developed a system to give you a quote online.
You are looking for professional service from a team you can trust.
As a family owned operation, our top priority is customer service and communication. With over 50 years of combined experience, our work is catered to our clientele, based on several factors: life style, needs, house size, family size, pets presence, etc.
We take pride at the work we do, and we are grateful for the wonderful crew we have because they are the key to our success. The main difference between us and our competitors is the people we hire. They are proud of the work they do.
A deep cleaning or move in/out usually requires extra crew members, depending on logistics and size of home, where a regular clean requires less crew members, again depending on logistics and size of home. A deep cleaning is usually required as our initial service in order to get the house to a standard where we consider the highest in the industry. Doing it this way, has earned us the Thumbtack Top Pro badge as well as several hundreds of 5 STAR reviews. We are not the cheapest service, by no means. But we are affordable and reliable and that’s something very hard to find - someone who shows us every time.
We look forward to meeting and working with you.