- How did you get started doing this type of work?
I have been an animal lover all my life but got started in pet sitting/dog walking through a friend of mine. She would pet sit for friends, family or clients (at vet clinic she worked at) and sometimes would get more requests than she could handle. She spoke to me about helping her out occasionally and I agreed. It turned out to be a part time job to earn extra money into a full time career in 2012. I absolutely love this job and couldn't imagine doing anything else!
- What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?
My advice is a few things... Since I started pet sitting/dog walking full time, I have got to hear some real horror stories about pet sitters "before me". I honestly am so shocked to hear some of these stories. With that being said, my recommendations are... be very choosey on who you are hiring to watch your pet. I will say that just because they have a website or whatever, does not mean they are the most qualified... sometimes, these are the ones who are just running in and out to make a dollar. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good sitters/walkers out there with websites, social media accounts, etc, just do your homework and really research who you are hiring! Another word of advice, sometimes what you pay for is what you get and sometimes, you don't have to pay a bundle to get a good quality, dependable sitter. Please do your research! To me, a pet is a family member and should be cared for as such :)