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As a journalism major and former newspaper reporter, my writing ability has been the backbone of my career. However my technical skills are also superior, and my grasp of web development and the way search engines function is superior. The combination of these two skill sets (technical IT and marketing communications) are what sets me apart.

Hired 1 time

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11 photos

Projects and media

11 photos


3 reviews


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Jim L.
Aug 30, 2011
Alice has written several pieces for our publication, and we were pleasantly surprised at how quickly she got up-to-speed in the subject matter – and with her ability to grasp the overall concepts of our organization and newsletter. As a result, we were able to trust Alice to do the job with little oversight and no hand-holding – and we couldn't have been more pleased with the results. She's a quick study and a true professional.
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Merry K.
Oct 9, 2013
Alice is insightful and thoughtful. She is a subject matter expert in SEO and was partnered with us on a large scale project to recruit and staff over 350 employees in Winchester, Kentucky. She worked with us to develop a foot print and among job seekers. Our statistics were outstanding. I plan to continue to work with her on future initaitives. She is a consumate professional and a pleasure to work with
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Anthony W.
Jan 8, 2016

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Developed and designed a business website.
Web Design


  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    Redesign an older website that is not functioning well or is not ranking well on Google; Create a new website for a company that has none or is a new business; Write and post business blog articles; Create email newsletters; Improve existing WordPress websites.

  • Describe a recent project you are fond of. How long did it take?

    SiteInSight created a professional website for a Columbus area law firm. Rather than simply handing off the website and sending a bill, we watched the site for a month as part of a service agreement the firm took advantage of. After one month, we analyzed their web traffic and realized more than half their visitors were becoming confused and trying to access a password-protected page, thus becoming discouraged and leaving the site. We immediately recommended and implemented changes to the navigation and homepage, which resulted in much better retention and engagement of visitors. The staff update the site on their own and are very happy with the look and feel of their website!