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Sacred Body Therapeutics
Sacred Body Therapeutics

Sacred Body Therapeutics

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Sorry this pro can’t do your job, but we know other pros who can.
I have 10 years of experience as a Trainer, establishing proper core functionality, and helping ease painful conditions, using strength & stretch. The fundamentals are the basis of a solid core only when the finer details are corrected, and this is the service that I provide my clients with. I have been teaching Pilates and therapeutic movement since 2014. I’m also a certified Trainer in Low Pressure Fitness, (the hypopressive maneuver), and ELDOA/ Myo-fascial Stretching. LPF and ELDOA are movement modalities based on European Osteopathy, with respect to the body’s fascial system. Schedule a 30 mon discovery call with me through my website and learn more!

Background checked

1 employee

3 years in business

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Apple Pay, Cash, Credit card, Stripe, Venmo, and Zelle.

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5 photos

Background Check

Denise Maloney