Gregor Kitzis (Teaching)
Gregor Kitzis (Teaching)

Gregor Kitzis (Teaching)

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I perform regularly at Carnegie Hall with Orchestra of St. Luke's, have performed and recorded with David Bowie (Heathen), play lots of chamber music and contemporary music concerts and have toured extensively but always lived in NYC. While I studied with Jascha Heifetz protege Erick Friedman to get my BM and MM from Manhattan School of Music,, Charlie Castleman at The Quartet Program and Chris Lee, concertmaster of NJ Symphony, my teaching is based on what I learned as a performing musician in NYC. Working with great players here showed me what they all had in common versus what were just my teacher's idiosyncrasies. Using your body efficiently to avoid injury is at the core of what I teach. It's never too late to correct old habits and if you're a beginner there's nothing better than getting off on the right foot. Playing well in your 20's is entirely different than having learned how to avoid injury and play well in your 50's. I teach anyone from beginners of all ages to young professionals preparing for auditions to older people who always wanted to do this and just need someone to spark their curiosity. I teach in a modern and quiet doorman building on Riverside Drive just 5 minutes from the George Washington Bridge.

Hired 32 times

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45 years in business

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Customers rated this pro highly for professionalism, work quality, and responsiveness.

Exceptional 5.0

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Hector P.
May 9, 2017

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Very patient and open to ways of doing techniques differently, as long as the result equals to Music to your satisfaction. Quality instruction naturally calls for quality pricing, but Gregor can generously work with your budget, but with good reason and passion being required.
Violin Lessons (for adults)
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Dominique H.
Apr 15, 2018

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Gregor not only teaches you how to play music. His sessions also include how to hold your body to avoid discomfort and injury.

Details: No formal training • No, the student cannot read music • 45 - 64 years old • Classical violin • Classical • Blues • Jazz • No, but the student is planning to purchase a violin and would like the teacher's advice on it • Once a week • 30 minutes • Sunday • Early morning (before 9am) • Late afternoon (3 - 6pm) • Early afternoon (noon - 3pm) • As recommended by teacher • Within the next 1 - 2 weeks • Conducting initial research • I travel to the violin teacher

Violin Lessons (for adults)
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Jeremy J.
Apr 14, 2019

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Gregor is an engaging violin teacher whose many years of experience on the instrument clearly come through in lessons. My favorite part about studying with him is his ability to tailor the lesson to the individual - I studied piano for many years before this and he's able to tap into the knowledge I've built there and leverage my already-existing musical experience and apply it to the violin. He also is able to zero in very quickly on mistakes (or less-than-perfect habits) that I make and recommend immediate ways to course-correct. His expertise, patience, and sense of humor make the one-hour lessons go by very quickly. Would definitely recommend.

Details: 26 - 44 years old • No formal training; some self-taught experience • Yes, the student can read music • Classical violin • Classical • What the teacher recommends • No, but the student is planning to purchase a violin and would like the teacher's advice on it • 60 minutes • I travel to the violin teacher

Violin Lessons
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Alan L.
Jan 31, 2018

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Gregor is a fantastic teacher. He's really flexible with his schedule so he'll work around whats convenient for you. When i run into problems while playing he knows exactly how to address them. He's patient and attentive with his teaching. He'll tell you what you're doing great and what else you can improve on. He really helps lay down a solid foundation for playing the violin.

Details: No formal training • No, the student cannot read music • 25 - 44 years old • Classical violin • What the teacher recommends • Yes, the student has a violin • As recommended by teacher • 60 minutes • Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday • Thursday • Friday • Sunday • Late afternoon (3 - 6pm) • Evening (after 6pm) • As recommended by teacher • Willing to work around teacher's schedule • Conducting initial research • I travel to the violin teacher

Violin Lessons (for adults)
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Peg Y.
Apr 19, 2019

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

I can't say enough good things about Mr. Kitzis, just to name a few - Mr. Kitzis know how to prevent injuries. He teaches all important positions (how many violin teachers out there can do this or even bother to care about this for a student? Not too many, perhaps, very difficult to find. But Mr. Kitzis emphasizes this and he teaches everything he knew.) He explains the rationale clearly which helped me to be able to integrate his knowledge to my personal conditions. (He really wants his student to learn as much as they can. He's generous and loves what he's doing.) Mr. Kitzis also noticed the 4/4 violin does not fit my body size so he helped me to replace a 3/4 violin. (most other teach would not even notice such details. In fact, most teachers do not understand how to tell whether a violin fits you or not. Again, because he is a top pro.) Actually, I start out without any prior knowledge of violin but this is not a problem for Mr. Kitzis. He used very easy and intelligent method to allow me to learn and enjoy violin (not all teacher can do this. Mr. Kitzis can because he is a top pro in his field.) Now, I have been going to Mr. Kitzis' classes for about 6 months and will continue to my violin study with Mr. Kitzis. Every violin class with Mr. Kitzis I gain and I improve. Most importantly, each class is a joyful learning time. Thank you for teaching me violin, Mr. Kitzis! :)

Details: 26 - 44 years old • No formal training • No, the student cannot read music • What the teacher recommends • Classical • Jazz • No, but the student is planning to purchase a violin and would like the teacher's advice on it • 45 minutes • I travel to the violin teacher

Violin Lessons
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Gregor Kitzis

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Gregor Kitzis (Teaching)
Gregor Kitzis (Teaching)
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Gregor Kitzis

Completed on 1/8/2024