***Are you looking to lose 20-40 lbs over the next 3-6 months?***
If you are, then you are in the right place.
As you know, you have a fat loss problem. What you might not realize is how this fat loss problem is affecting everything in your life. From your work, relationships and confidence to how you carry yourself, interact with others, cover up on the beach or hide from pictures. Its costing you more than you care to admit.
It's time that all changes.
My name is Alex Cook
I’m here to empower purpose driven people to transform their health and life by providing personalized solutions, education, and support without burnout. We believe in a holistic approach that addresses physical, mental, and emotional wellness, and we strive to help our clients achieve optimal health and happiness in less time, leading to a fulfilling and purposeful life.
Still with me? Great.
Our Transformative Lifestyle Coaching dives into 4 specific areas to help you be successful in your pursuit in less time and less hassle.
1. Food. Food quality and quantity will be the backbone of any goal you have. Whether its to lose 20-40 lbs or build muscle, we will need to get clear on what your needs will be to achieve your desired results. I don't care how "good" your diet is, if you are struggling to lose weight or tone up, this is where we start.
2. Training. We provide custom workouts based on your unique needs, likes and dislikes for optimal results towards your specific goals. No need to spend hours in the gym (you're busy, you don't have time to waste) we just need to ensure you are getting the most out of whatever time you do spend.
3. Movement. It's not enough to just hit the gym 5x a week, we need to incorporate movement throughout the day to create healthy metabolism and live an active lifestyle. Our custom made coaching helps you make this as easy as possible based on your unique lifestyle.
4. Stress Management. You don't get rid of stressors, you just get better at not letting them stress you out. This crucial step is the difference make in achieving your results. We need to manage life, work, sleep, family, kids, vacations, work trips so that these things don't become excuses and reasons why you aren't making progress. Our coaching helps ensure these are non-issues by planning, stress management techniques and perspective.
Together we collaborate on creating a lifestyle around these 4 pillars to help you live, think, feel, look amazing!
At this point you might want to connect further and gather more info.
That's' great.
All you have to do is contact me here or you can visit the link in this profile and visit my website to either fill out an application or schedule a call right away.
I look forward to helping you figure this out once and for all!