Manon Marchand Aylsworth M.A.
Manon Marchand Aylsworth M.A.

Manon Marchand Aylsworth M.A.

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I am a certified Life, Career and Wellness coach and NLP Master practitioner (Neuro Linguistic programming). I became a coach while having a successful career as a Public Relations Executive for large non-profits. I help my clients becoming the more authentic, empowered and greater version of themselves by a radical change of mindset, breakthroughs and discoveries. Over the last 10 years, I have done lots of work with my clients worldwide: they stopped procrastinating, gained confidence, got their dream job, improved their relationship with themselves and others, reached their ideal weight, got rid of negative thoughts and limiting beliefs... They are empowered and unstoppable. I am called the “French motivational guru” by my clients because I am their ally, step by step, until they reach their goals. I hold them accountable and we celebrate together their achievements. You are one step away from the fulfilling life you want (and deserve). Who is my coaching for: Dedicated individuals fully invested in their long term success, highly motivated, open minded towards coaching and show up ready to take action and succeed. Price $145/session (45 minutes) Coaching in English or French.

Hired 17 times

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14 years in business

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Customers rated this pro highly for work quality, professionalism, and responsiveness.

Exceptional 5.0

18 reviews


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Nicole H.
Jun 19, 2021

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

I can’t say enough how valuable my coaching time was with Manon. She’s phenomenal- and so very knowledgeable, caring, and dedicated. She helped me move out of a very difficult time in my life and career. I look forward to working with her moving forward - there’s always something new to learn!
Life Coaching
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Carmen C.
Sep 1, 2020

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Manon has been amazing. Only 3 sessions in and I already feel so much better about myself. Honestly, so happy to have made the decision to hire a life coach. Its game changing!
Life Coaching
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Courtney C.
Aug 25, 2020

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Choosing Manon as my life coach has been one of the best decisions I have made. As a young adult struggling with finding my career in life, Manon has helped me explore the different possibilities fitting for me and ultimately making a decision. From there, she has been nothing but encouraging, helpful and attentive. Manon truly makes you feel supported and like anything is possible, with zero judgements. You can tell she is committed and cares about you. If you work with Manon you will be in wonderful hands :)
Life Coaching
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Jenny B.
Aug 31, 2020

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

I have been working with Manon currently about three months now and she has been amazing. I was feeling unhappy about my life and needed someone to help guide me To live a more fulfilling positive life. She helped target my source of unhappiness and have helped me make positive changes. Her emails of encouragement and positivity have really helped me through some hard times. She truly cares about her clients and has such a bright energy that makes you want to live a more positive life. She comes with my highest recommendations!
Life Coaching
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Laurel P.
Aug 25, 2020

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

I'm so thankful to have had Manon as my coach. She is an phenomenal listener and very knowledgeable. She has helped me meet my goals and kept me accountable a long the way. Besides having weekly zoom calls with Manon she is available via text daily to keep you on track. I completed so much work and Manon was a huge part in me accomplishing my goals. I can't recommend her enough.
Life Coaching
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Manon Marchand

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Manon Marchand Aylsworth M.A.
Manon Marchand Aylsworth M.A.
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Manon Marchand

Completed on 4/19/2020